Nearly 200,000 Flags Will Replace In-Person Crowds for Biden’s Inauguration

by Mary Rose Corkery


Almost 200,000 flags were planted on the National Mall before President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, intended to replace those who can’t attend in-person, The Hill reported Tuesday.

The exhibition was illuminated Sunday eve and extends from the National Mall, Third Street to 13th Street in the city’s downtown, according to The Hill.

“Flags representing every state and territory, and 56 pillars of light” are arranged to make up the “Field of Flags” display, according to a Presidential Inaugural Committee press release from Jan. 11.

“This inauguration marks a new chapter for the American people — one of healing, of unifying, of coming together, of an America united,”  Presidential Inaugural Committee CEO Dr. Tony Allen said, according to the press release.

“It is time to turn the page on this era of division. The inaugural activities will reflect our shared values and serve as a reminder that we are stronger together than we are apart, just as our motto ‘e pluribus unum’ reminds us — out of many, one,” Allen added.

The committee is arranging a mostly virtual inauguration due to public health concerns regarding the coronavirus pandemic. Law enforcement officials also cite a heightened threat of political unrest before the ceremony after the Jan. 6 riots at the Capitol building, The Hill reported.

A mob breached the Capitol building on Jan. 6 during a march that turned into a deadly riot against Electoral College’s certification of the presidential election results. Security measures have increased ahead of Biden’s inauguration ceremony.

There were 20,000 flags planted on the National Mall in September, each one symbolizing 10 victims who lost their lives from the pandemic, NBC News reported.

The Presidential Inaugural Committee didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

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Mary Rose Corkery is a reporter for the Daily Caller News Foundation.







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3 Thoughts to “Nearly 200,000 Flags Will Replace In-Person Crowds for Biden’s Inauguration”

  1. Kevin

    Let’s all remember exactly what those 200,000 made-in-China flags really represent…
    – the number of votes stolen in Pennsylvania,
    – the number of votes stolen in Michigan,
    – the number of votes stolen in Georgia,
    – the number of votes stolen in Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin,
    – the number of small businesses shuttered by the false flag China virus, just so Biden
    could steal the election,
    -the number of people who due to the China virus lockdowns have chosen suicide,
    -20% of the number of actual people who came to Washington to show the love and
    respect that we have for President Trump.

    I won’t forget 200,000 anytime soon!

  2. mikey whipwreck

    they should put out about 10 million flags, one for every job that joe and crew will kill over the next two years

  3. Gordon

    I wonder if willie brown and his wife will attend kamalas swearing in
